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Spirit world:So many go missing all over the world especially little children in 3rd world countries. Some of the missing are ascribed to alien abductions.They need a constant supply of children for adrenochrome n others to feed the Reptilian Elites. Be careful u may be next

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Spirit world:So many go missing all over the world especially little children in 3rd world countries. Some of the missing are ascribed to alien abductions.They need a constant supply of children for adrenochrome n others to feed the Reptilian Elites. Be careful u may be next

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Spirit world:When a struggle against anyone,individual or nation Crosses a red line of outrageous atrocities.Know the end is near. When Iron goes into the smelter it comes out as steel.The people of the world are going to face very painful struggles.Many will die. Be prepared

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Spirit world:When a struggle against anyone,individual or nation
Crosses a red line of outrageous atrocities.Know the end is near. When Iron goes into the smelter it comes out as steel.The people of the world are going to face very painful struggles.Many will die. Be prepared

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Spirit world: “ISRAEL”NETANYAHU is trapped due to his corruption case with the Ultra right Ben Gvir N Smotrich in cabinet. It’s their only chance to push their dream of greater Israel. So what’s next?To grab as much Palestinian land in the West Bank n force them into Jordan.The Ultra right need the war to expand to achieve their goals.If they have to suppress by force the opposition they’ll have no problem The stakes are high so expect much worse for everyone.If you’ve not understood the fascist pattern from the past you’re in for a shock. They have no problem using the nuclear option.2024 is going to be a nightmare year with many other problems worldwide.Don’t fool yourselves it’s really going to be difficult especially in the Middle East. U should think of moving out of harm’s way.

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Spirit world: “ISRAEL”NETANYAHU is trapped due to his corruption case with the Ultra right Ben Gvir N Smotrich in cabinet. It’s their only chance to push their dream of greater Israel. So what’s next?To grab as much Palestinian land in the West Bank n force them into Jordan.The Ultra right need the war to expand to achieve their goals.If they have to suppress by force the opposition they’ll have no problem
The stakes are high so expect much worse for everyone.If you’ve not understood the fascist pattern from the past you’re in for a shock. They have no problem using the nuclear option.2024 is going to be a nightmare year with many other problems worldwide.Don’t fool yourselves it’s really going to be difficult especially in the Middle East. U should think of moving out of harm’s way.

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Spirit world: “TORTURE”When deliberate torture becomes common practice. As revealed by newly released Palestinian prisoners. It means the depravity is such that it will result in the negative energies on earth exploding n impacting everyone. This truly is the great Breakdown.

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Spirit world: “TORTURE”When deliberate torture becomes common practice. As revealed by newly released Palestinian prisoners. It means the depravity is such that it will result in the negative energies on earth exploding n impacting everyone. This truly is the great Breakdown.

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