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Spirit world: Many of those under 16 don’t want to get married or have children. Is it a good or bad idea?Very Good Idea because breakdown will mean severe shortages of everything.Marital obligations will be impossible to meet,with stress arguments n violence very common.Children will be victims of neglect violence n trauma.

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Spirit world: Many of those under 16 don’t want to get married or have children. Is it a good or bad idea?Very Good Idea because breakdown will mean severe shortages of everything.Marital obligations will be impossible to meet,with stress arguments n violence very common.Children will be victims of neglect violence n trauma.

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Spirit world: Vaccine injuries n deaths are on the increase worldwide.But very little to no mention is made in the mainstream media. In the next few weeks the death toll is expected to rise dramatically.Many young healthy athletes are dying suddenly.They’re going to need a distraction from the deaths.The obvious best distraction is WAR. Be careful not to be sucked into their war machine.When u know how they operate it’s not difficult to recognize.They have a pattern but u must be careful n awake.

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Spirit world: Vaccine injuries n deaths are on the increase worldwide.But very little to no mention is made in the mainstream media. In the next few weeks the death toll is expected to rise dramatically.Many young healthy athletes are dying suddenly.They’re going to need a distraction from the deaths.The obvious best distraction is WAR.
Be careful not to be sucked into their war machine.When u know how they operate it’s not difficult to recognize.They have a pattern but u must be careful n awake.

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Spirit world: Statistics are coming in of the nightmare situation of instability among the young.Those under 18,especially those under 14 Is there any remedy?Yes,suffer silently,take the vaccine,anti depressants or finally the oldest solution – Suicide.The worst is yet to come

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Spirit world: Statistics are coming in of the nightmare situation of instability among the young.Those under 18,especially those under 14
Is there any remedy?Yes,suffer silently,take the vaccine,anti depressants or finally the oldest solution – Suicide.The worst is yet to come

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Spirit world: “The iPad children” Children who throw tantrums if their iPad is taken away.They’re being damaged n won’t cope with life’s challenges.If u can’t give children the time n attention they need n deserve.Why have children u can’t look after?They’re not toys.

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Spirit world: “The iPad children” Children who throw tantrums if their iPad is taken away.They’re being damaged n won’t cope with life’s challenges.If u can’t give children the time n attention they need n deserve.Why have children u can’t look after?They’re not toys.

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Spirit world:Elon Musk released the film”The War On Children”But nothing will change.Why?The decline is too far gone.Even as I write the deterioration is ongoing. The best U can do is try to protect u own children n grandchildren.Try educating them about what’s happening if U can

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Spirit world:Elon Musk released the film”The War On Children”But nothing will change.Why?The decline is too far gone.Even as I write the deterioration is ongoing.
The best U can do is try to protect u own children n grandchildren.Try educating them about what’s happening if U can

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Spirit world:”GAZA”The longer the conflict lasts the more people are awakening not just to Gaza but everything.The ruling Elites are victims of their own pride n over confidence.Because they got away with lies exploitation wars for so long.The young especially will not submit to their deception n cruelty.

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Spirit world:”GAZA”The longer the conflict lasts the more people are awakening not just to Gaza but everything.The ruling Elites are victims of their own pride n over confidence.Because they got away with lies exploitation wars for so long.The young especially will not submit to their deception n cruelty.

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