Spirit world: So much is happening so fast.Can anything or anyone save humanity from the disasters awaiting?No definitely not.Its too late for that.A few Corporations have accumulated enormous powers n influence.They’ve come to believe that they’re invincible n that type of pride always ends in disasters. In the end they’re just humans,n the likes of them have come n gone before.This time will be no different.But the cost in lives,will be in the billions.

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Spirit world: So much is happening so fast.Can anything or anyone save humanity from the disasters awaiting?No definitely not.Its too late for that.A few Corporations have accumulated enormous powers n influence.They’ve come to believe that they’re invincible n that type of pride always ends in disasters. In the end they’re just humans,n the likes of them have come n gone before.This time will be no different.But the cost in lives,will be in the billions.

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Spirit world: “Struggle is the meaning of Life”It promotes Soul growth n pushes one further on the infinite journey of the Soul.But whilst in the human body it can be very difficult n painful.Never feel abandoned by God,as God is always with U.The pain in the world is going to get much worse.

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Spirit world: “Struggle is the meaning of Life”It promotes Soul growth n pushes one further on the infinite journey of the Soul.But whilst in the human body it can be very difficult n painful.Never feel abandoned by God,as God is always with U.The pain in the world is going to get much worse.

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Spirit world:”Killing Humanity”by vaccines,chemtrails,poisoned food,medicine,water,5G wars n Human ignorance. What should/can Humans do?Two choices, allow yourselves to die or fight back.Which is it likely to be?Most are so ignorant they’ll just die.Any hope for Humans?Sadly no

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Spirit world:”Killing Humanity”by vaccines,chemtrails,poisoned food,medicine,water,5G wars n Human ignorance. What should/can Humans do?Two choices, allow yourselves to die or fight back.Which is it likely to be?Most are so ignorant they’ll just die.Any hope for Humans?Sadly no

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Spirit world:”Energies r sensitive” Most people due to ignorance of Energies cause their own problems Arguments are always lost as they create negative Energies fast. Best keep quiet,step back n protect u positive Energies n State.Its simple yet bad habits,n impatience is a problem

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Spirit world:”Energies r sensitive” Most people due to ignorance of Energies cause their own problems
Arguments are always lost as they create negative Energies fast. Best keep quiet,step back n protect u positive Energies n State.Its simple yet bad habits,n impatience is a problem

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Spirit world:”The Donald”will he even make it to the inauguration before the war escalates beyond control.Hopes are just that n Life rarely obliges.Nothing is going to improve,Its best U adapt,Trump’s big weakness is his Ego.Add Ego of Elon n the others n U got a big disaster

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Spirit world:”The Donald”will he even make it to the inauguration before the war escalates beyond control.Hopes are just that n Life rarely obliges.Nothing is going to improve,Its best U adapt,Trump’s
big weakness is his Ego.Add Ego of Elon n the others n U got a big disaster

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Spirit world: “End of the Great Cycle”Is where humanity is now. Hence everything is/will be in extremes – wealth,wars,killings, oppression,exploitation,gender violence,child sex trafficking n abuse,Death of empires,diseases. Rich Individuals believe they’re invincible n worse.Can it be stopped?No.Learn to adapt,no one can stop the madness

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Spirit world: “End of the Great Cycle”Is where humanity is now. Hence everything is/will be in extremes – wealth,wars,killings, oppression,exploitation,gender violence,child sex trafficking n abuse,Death of empires,diseases. Rich Individuals believe they’re invincible n worse.Can it be stopped?No.Learn to adapt,no one can stop the madness

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Spirit world:”J. F.Kennedy”Today is his 61st death anniversary.A rare n great man destined to save the world from a nuclear disaster.He was assassinated by the same Deep State cowards.The spirit world said of him.We took him away as the nation didn’t deserve his wise leadership.America has declined since his tragic death.

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Spirit world:”J. F.Kennedy”Today is his 61st death anniversary.A rare n great man destined to save the world from a nuclear disaster.He was assassinated by the same Deep State cowards.The spirit world said of him.We took him away as the nation didn’t deserve his wise leadership.America has declined since his tragic death.

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Spirit world:Headlines say BIDEN gave Zelensky the Go ahead to use long range missiles on Russia. Truth is more like Trump gave him permission to do it.Never believe politicians they wouldn’t know how to be honest.Its just a big game n always about money. Trump is no Saint as you’ll soon discover

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Spirit world:Headlines say BIDEN gave Zelensky the Go ahead to use long range missiles on Russia. Truth is more like Trump gave him permission to do it.Never believe politicians they wouldn’t know how to be honest.Its just a big game n always about money. Trump is no Saint as you’ll soon discover

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Spirit world:The best place on earth to live is Gauteng South Africa.Why?Because the ETERNAL ENERGY OF LOVE is there. Everything is focused there.Don’t look at S. Africa’s social/political situation.The Breakdown will destroy all eventually.But the benefits of the ETERNAL ENERGY is the ultimate grace to the SOULS of those fortunate to live there.

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Spirit world:The best place on earth to live is Gauteng South Africa.Why?Because the ETERNAL ENERGY OF LOVE is there. Everything is focused there.Don’t look at S. Africa’s social/political situation.The Breakdown will destroy all eventually.But the benefits of the ETERNAL ENERGY is the ultimate grace to the SOULS of those fortunate to live there.

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Spirit world:”Excessive Wealth”is an incurable disease that holds one a prisoner to fear of loss n insecurity.The disease gets worse inflicting depression,illnesses stress leading to erectile dysfunction early ejaculation.The only escape is death.Most rich people are miserable.Despite their outer bravado.

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Spirit world:”Excessive Wealth”is an incurable disease that holds one a prisoner to fear of loss n insecurity.The disease gets worse inflicting depression,illnesses stress leading to erectile dysfunction early ejaculation.The only escape is death.Most rich people are miserable.Despite their outer bravado.

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