I’m the madness that was promised to be sent to an earth n humanity in crisis. My energy makes no sense neither do I or else elite will know
U cannot know my beauty through mind n logic. Allow me to break prison of u mind’s darkness. Then step out into freedom light love n madness
U cannot know my beauty through mind n logic. Allow me to break prison of u mind’s darkness. Then step out into freedom light love n madness
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For this epoch I’ve been sent to be a light in darkness. knowledge that removes ignorance. My very essence gives joy to plant animal n human
For this epoch I’ve been sent to be a light in darkness. knowledge that removes ignorance. My very essence gives joy to plant animal n human
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No one will beat or defeat political/Financial elite by material means. Only hope to raise heart’s frequency through meditation or we doomed
No one will beat or defeat political/Financial elite by material means. Only hope to raise heart’s frequency through meditation or we doomed
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From God’s pure essence to my heart n then to your spirit. I send u nothing more or other then the divine nectar of LOVE n more LOVE eternal
From God’s pure essence to my heart n then to your spirit. I send u nothing more or other then the divine nectar of LOVE n more LOVE eternal
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They come to earth n build Empires of dust. Exploit oppress n hurt,leaving legacy of pain n misery. Spirit world will no longer tolerate it.
They come to earth n build Empires of dust. Exploit oppress n hurt,leaving legacy of pain n misery. Spirit world will no longer tolerate it.
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If only u knew that no one can stop the plunge to disaster. Technology is just another illusion,go into your heart,its the only refuge left.
If only u knew that no one can stop the plunge to disaster. Technology is just another illusion,go into your heart,its the only refuge left.
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Love cannot be bought or sold,it has to be worked for n nurtured over eons of time. Only then will it give itself to those that prove worthy
Love cannot be bought or sold,it has to be worked for n nurtured over eons of time. Only then will it give itself to those that prove worthy
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I come from your v distant past, now living in your present to usher in your future. The future is grim n filled with much pain n suffering.
I come from your v distant past, now living in your present to usher in your future. The future is grim n filled with much pain n suffering.
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Religion politics business n much else can be studied. Spiritual path has to be lived n experienced. That’s why so many fail to even begin.
Religion politics business n much else can be studied. Spiritual path has to be lived n experienced. That’s why so many fail to even begin.
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