Spirit world: Why are all the Truths so confusing?Always disguised n wrapped in so many mysteries. Why do the scriptures create more differences,disputes n hatred for each other?Even science creates more questions than answers. How long is this journey,n over how many incarnations?It’s slower than the SNAIL CROSSING THE FACE OF THE MOON.The ETERNAL ONE IS INFINITE N IS TAKING U ON A JOURNEY THAT DOESN’T END. Don’t think just join n drown u self

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Spirit world: Why are all the Truths so confusing?Always disguised n wrapped in so many mysteries. Why do the scriptures create more differences,disputes n hatred for each other?Even science creates more questions than answers. How long is this journey,n over how many incarnations?It’s slower than the SNAIL CROSSING THE FACE OF THE MOON.The ETERNAL ONE IS INFINITE N IS TAKING U ON A JOURNEY THAT DOESN’T END.
Don’t think just join n drown u self

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Spirit world: What’s the point of knowing the truth about life n death,the multiverses n everything else when no one will believe it.If U can answer that u may be ready to begin THE JOURNEY.What does the journey entail?Pain,loneliness, confusion,deep sadness until U are hollowed out to receive the first morsels of Truth

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Spirit world: What’s the point of knowing the truth about life n death,the multiverses n everything else when no one will believe it.If U can answer that u may be ready to begin THE JOURNEY.What does the journey entail?Pain,loneliness, confusion,deep sadness until U are hollowed out to receive the first morsels of Truth

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Spirit world:A certain point is reached at the end of a cycle.When Everything heads towards the breakdown.That time is now, there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it. So it’s not about East or West,or who’s right or wrong.The decline started long ago.U must adapt fast to survive

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Spirit world:A certain point is reached at the end of a cycle.When
Everything heads towards the breakdown.That time is now, there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it. So it’s not about East or West,or who’s right or wrong.The decline started long ago.U must adapt fast to survive

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Spirit world:One thing’s for sure I’m not going to allow negative people to impact me.I’m here for the most powerful human experience ever because of the breakdown.They will destroy many people n many things n that’s sadly unavoidable. But I’ll live life fully without fear or hatred.ONLY LOVE MATTERS

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Spirit world:One thing’s for sure I’m not going to allow negative people to impact me.I’m here for the most powerful human experience ever because of the breakdown.They will destroy many people n many things n that’s sadly unavoidable. But I’ll live life fully without fear or hatred.ONLY LOVE MATTERS

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Spirit world:”Energies”Very few teachers know how Energies work.Issues are decided energetically before manifesting materially on earth.The very few who can read Energies the “future”is known.They can tell what’s happening n why.We say Trump is a disaster for Humans,We take refuge from TRUMP

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Spirit world:”Energies”Very few teachers know how Energies work.Issues are decided energetically before manifesting materially on earth.The very few who can read Energies the “future”is known.They can tell what’s happening n why.We say Trump is a disaster for Humans,We take refuge from TRUMP

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Spirit world: Steve Bannon is the first one of Trump’s inner circle to ask ELON MUSK to leave before he causes great harm to the MAGA cause.Hes the first n many will see through Trump’s reality.The world is in for long hard times.Prepare for more nasty shocks n lots of suffering

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Spirit world: Steve Bannon is the first one of Trump’s inner circle to ask ELON MUSK to leave before he causes great harm to the MAGA cause.Hes the first n many will see through Trump’s reality.The world is in for long hard times.Prepare for more nasty shocks n lots of suffering

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Spirit world: Trump is President but who will be the real rulers?The first time in history that honour will go to the”BILLIONAIRE OLIGARCHS” Led by the leader of all,great Helmsman,the all powerful ELON MUSK,leader of the galactic federation.He still goes to the toilet,sleeps,n has sex.But he’s working on not having to go to do such mundane things.

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Spirit world: Trump is President but who will be the real rulers?The first time in history that honour will go to the”BILLIONAIRE OLIGARCHS”
Led by the leader of all,great Helmsman,the all powerful ELON MUSK,leader of the galactic federation.He still goes to the toilet,sleeps,n has sex.But he’s working on not having to go to do such mundane things.

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Spirit world:There’s a time for war n a time to stop.Ceasefire in Gaza is necessary.But nothing will improve.Many unexpected problems are waiting.We don’t mean to dishearten u.But it’s essential to be honest n keep u grounded.Trump,Billionaires n world will have no peace EVER.

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Spirit world:There’s a time for war n a time to stop.Ceasefire in Gaza is necessary.But nothing will improve.Many unexpected problems are waiting.We don’t mean to dishearten u.But it’s essential to be honest n keep u grounded.Trump,Billionaires n world will have no peace EVER.

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Spirit world”ADAM’S CALENDAR” Today on IMAM ALI birthday we’re visiting an ancient structure Adam’s calendar said to be the oldest on earth – 75-360,000 years old.After this visit,cosmic changes will take place all over the galaxy. Earth is part of a vast cosmos,we’re not alone

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Spirit world”ADAM’S CALENDAR” Today on IMAM ALI birthday we’re visiting an ancient structure Adam’s calendar said to be the oldest on earth – 75-360,000 years old.After this visit,cosmic changes will take place all over the galaxy. Earth is part of a vast cosmos,we’re not alone

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Spirit world: Birthday of HAZRAT IMAM ALI 13th Rajab. To appreciate who he is/was.U must know some of his past lifetimes.He is Noah,Abraham,Joseph,Moses, Solomon,Imran,JESUS,Genghis,Da Vinci,Zeus,Vishnu,Shiva,Brahma, Buddha,Imhotep,Tutankhamen Ramses the great n at the beginning HORUS the falcon of TRUTH.Some will believe/accept it,most will doubt/reject it. It doesn’t change the TRUTH.

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Spirit world: Birthday of HAZRAT IMAM ALI 13th Rajab. To appreciate who he is/was.U must know some of his past lifetimes.He is Noah,Abraham,Joseph,Moses, Solomon,Imran,JESUS,Genghis,Da Vinci,Zeus,Vishnu,Shiva,Brahma, Buddha,Imhotep,Tutankhamen Ramses the great n at the beginning HORUS the falcon of TRUTH.Some will believe/accept it,most will doubt/reject it. It doesn’t change the TRUTH.

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