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Spirit world:”Donald j Trump”A marvelous show by Donald,n an obvious put up job to give him some credibility amongst the doubtful.His running mate an obvious Zionist n ready to step in when/if the Donald dies.A distinct possibility.Many of his supporters are in for a rude shock

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Spirit world:”Donald j Trump”A marvelous show by Donald,n an obvious put up job to give him some credibility amongst the doubtful.His running mate an obvious Zionist n ready to step in when/if the Donald dies.A distinct possibility.Many of his supporters are in for a rude shock

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Spirit world: Those that get elected is because they’re pre-selected by the Reptilian Elites. No parliament in the West is independent nor most of the representatives.All those holding important positions are either hybrid zionists or useful idiots bribed or blackmailed.Wake up

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Spirit world: Those that get elected is because they’re pre-selected by the Reptilian Elites. No parliament in the West is independent nor most of the representatives.All those holding important positions are either hybrid zionists or useful idiots bribed or blackmailed.Wake up

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Spirit world:”Gaza”One day u will better understand the reality of the Reptilians behind the Gaza war. Upon their shoulders the Gazans are carrying the burdens of humans. One thing is certain,wars are going to spread.Suffering pain hardship will be the new normal. Care n share

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Spirit world:”Gaza”One day u will better understand the reality of the Reptilians behind the Gaza war. Upon their shoulders the Gazans are carrying the burdens of humans. One thing is certain,wars are going to spread.Suffering pain hardship will be the new normal. Care n share

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Spirit world: The “CHITAURI” That’s What the Reptilians are called in Southern Africa. They have no emotions/feelings n feel no pain. They can’t relate to the human Soul.Theyve been experimenting with humans for thousands of years.Theyve now created a hybrid human/Reptilian that they’ve placed in powerful positions in every important government n institution.Zelensky is a hybrid. They want the wars to expand n cause maximum deaths n chaos. They’re about to go to the next stage of chaos n destruction.U don’t have to believe it, just watch

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Spirit world: The “CHITAURI” That’s
What the Reptilians are called in Southern Africa. They have no emotions/feelings n feel no pain. They can’t relate to the human Soul.Theyve been experimenting with humans for thousands of years.Theyve now created a hybrid human/Reptilian that they’ve placed in powerful positions in every important government n institution.Zelensky is a hybrid. They want the wars to expand n cause maximum deaths n chaos.
They’re about to go to the next stage of chaos n destruction.U don’t have to believe it, just watch

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Spirit world:”Wealth”The purpose of wealth is to invest in oneself n not hoard it.None of the rich n billionaires have understood it. By spending at least 20% of their wealth annually on uplifting the poor would allow their souls to grow n benefit them for future incarnations.But their short sighted selfishness sabotages them

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Spirit world:”Wealth”The purpose of wealth is to invest in oneself n not hoard it.None of the rich n billionaires have understood it. By spending at least 20% of their wealth annually on uplifting the poor would allow their souls to grow n benefit them for future incarnations.But their short sighted selfishness sabotages them

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Spirit world:”Missing Children” Donald Trump says there are 150,000 missing children who are raped n killed.If that’s in the USA how bad is it in other countries?The appetite of the Reptilians for humans is insatiable.Wars create ideal situations for human trafficking – beware

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Spirit world:”Missing Children” Donald Trump says there are 150,000 missing children who are raped n killed.If that’s in the USA how bad is it in other countries?The appetite of the Reptilians for humans is insatiable.Wars create ideal situations for human trafficking – beware

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